Sisters of the Divine Compassion

To be a Sister of the Divine Compassion is to live the gospel call as a prayerful woman gathered in community in service to the people of God. The vows of poverty, celibacy, and obedience that we profess express our embrace of a life characterized by simple living, inclusive loving, and attentive listening.

Following the example of Jesus and our Founders, we are challenged to step out beyond our comfort zone and attend to the cry of the marginalized in our world ~ to see our culture, our society, our world and ourselves with new eyes, a ready heart, and a courageous and eager spirit.

Becoming  a vowed member of the Sisters of the Divine Compassion is an ongoing process during which we are drawn more and more deeply into Divine Compassion spirituality  and congregational life.  Each step of the way is the opportunity for mutual discernment for the prospective member and the congregation.