The Divine Compassion Social Justice Board identifies, informs and recommends engagement strategies that address mission-related social justice topics locally, nationally and internationally. Issues related to the environment and climate change, immigration, family unity, treatment of refugees, as well as local, national and world-wide injustices, and government policies and practices are among the RDC Community's top priorities.

The Board engages members of the Community to participate in effecting change through a range of actions, including individual and Community-wide prayer, films and lecture series, conservation activities, letter and postcard writing campaigns, as well as participating in rallies and demonstrations designed to bring greater attention to significant issues.

Whether in-person, nonviolent action or virtually by joining with other organizations to advocate for change and responsible action, members of the Social Justice Board also participate in local and national elections by providing issue related information as well as when and where to vote.

Reflecting on the Works of Mercy, especially during Advent and Lent, the Social Justice Board offers members of the Divine Compassion Community, as well as benefactors and friends, justice-related opportunities for making a difference in the world.

The Divine Compassion Community supports and collaborates with the following organizations.